• 種をつぐ人びと - Open Sesame the Story of Seeds Japanese Version

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  • Historia de las Semillas

    1 video  |   Rent $4.99   |   Buy $9.99

    Uno de los recursos más preciados del mundo está en riesgo. Este documental oportuno y profundamente emocional echa luz sobre lo que está en juego y sobre qué puede hacerse para proteger la fuente de casi todos nuestros alimentos: las SEMILLAS.

    Las semillas nos proporcionan la base para todo, ...

  • Open Sesame: The Story of Seeds - Feature Only

    2 videos  |   Rent $4.99   |   Buy $9.99

    One of the world's most precious resources is at risk. This timely and emotionally moving film illuminates what is at stake and what can be done to protect the source of nearly all of our food: SEEDS.

    Seeds provide the basis for everything from food, to fabric to fuels. Seeds are as essential...

  • Open Sesame: The Story of Seeds - Deluxe Version

    12 videos  |   Rent $7.99   |   Buy $11.99

    One of the world's most precious resources is at risk. This timely and emotionally moving film illuminates what is at stake and what can be done to protect the source of nearly all of our food: SEEDS.

    Seeds provide the basis for everything from food, to fabric to fuels. Seeds are as essential...